【網拍熱門商品】Nike Metcon 4 - 12336753開箱
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Metcon 4 男款交叉訓練/重量訓練鞋的鞋底穩固強韌,可提供彈性支撐,且&最便宜非逛不可#x5177;備極致耐久性,適用於各種訓練活動;無論是要練習衝刺跑、推雪橇動作、舉重,還是攀繩運動,都是讓人安心的理想配備。 新的紋理網布讓這個鞋款比以往其他 Metcon 款式都更為堅固、輕巧及耐穿。
超群耐久性這款 Metcon 的耐久性無與倫比。創新的紋理印花可強化全鞋體的耐磨力;即使你已精疲力竭,鞋子依然英姿煥發。
- 標準運送的商品可於 2-6 個工作天內送達
- 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達
- 標準運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達
- 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達
3.9 顆星
Don’t recommend unless you like making squeaky noises walking around.
JoshB73483144 - Dec 18, 2018
I have had 2 pairs of Metcons and both have had the signature squeak in them after a short times use making them too embarrassing to wear around. Sounds like walking on a gym floor with wet shoes. I had the first pair it happened to so I went out and bought another brand I liked. When the other brand wore out I thought I would try the metcons again hoping that the updated version would have got rid of the issue but 2 months into wearing them, there it was... I went back to the other brand. Too bad too because I thought they were comfortable.
Poor Quality
特價商品評價gkam328 - Dec 18, 2018
Received these shoes as gift. As aesthetically pleasing as these shoes are, that is all they are really good for. Sizing is a bit snug, but may loosen up after breaking in if the shoes will last anyone else long enough.
I wore them 3 times for an hour each time to work out. The sole is already separating from the shoe on the sides. Would entertain the idea of a possible defect年終募集抗漲ive particular unit. However, this appears to be an issue many other reviewers have noted. Pretty disappointing for a shoe that is supposed to be a training shoe. I would expect it to hold up a lot better. I will have to request other shoe brands for future footwear gifts. What happened to the Nike quality that used to exist?These will "look": really cool in the closet, as I have no confidence they will last much longer to train in. Very inadequate shoe.Returned
rjburn - Dec 01, 2018
I really wanted to like these shoes but they haven't seemed to change much from the original MetCon's. Feels like walking on a stiff board, and the durability isn't great.2019熱銷商品省錢達人
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